7 motivos para você doar para a Wikipédia
A Fundação Wikimedia, garante que cada doação que recebemos é reinvestida para servir a Wikipédia, projetos Wikimedia e nossa missão de conhecimento livre.

7 λόγοι για τους οποίους πρέπει να κάνετε μια δωρεά στη Βικιπαίδεια
Το Ίδρυμα Wikimedia, η μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση που λειτουργεί τη Βικιπαίδεια, εξασφαλίζει ότι κάθε δωρεά που λαμβάνουμε επενδύεται για την υποστήριξη της Βικιπαίδειας, των εγχειρημάτων Wikimedia και της αποστολής μας για την ελεύθερη γνώση.


7 reasons you should donate to Wikipedia
People give to Wikipedia for many different reasons. The Wikimedia Foundation ensures that every donation we receive is invested back into serving Wikipedia, Wikimedia projects, and our free knowledge mission.

First grants announced from the Wikimedia Endowment to support technical innovation across Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects
The Wikimedia Endowment, the long-term fund established in 2016 to support the future of Wikimedia sites, has announced its first recipients of grant funding. The initiatives that will receive grant funding include Abstract Wikipedia, Kiwix, Machine Learning, and Wikidata.

7 důvodů, proč byste měli darovat Wikipedii
This post is also available in English.Cette publication est également disponible en français.Esta publicación también está disponible en español.Questo post è anche disponibile in italiano.この投稿は日本語でもお読みいただけます。Αυτό το άρθρο είναι διαθέσιμο και στα ελληνικά. Lidé darují Wikipedii z mnoha důvodů. Nadace Wikimedia, nezisková organizace spravující Wikipedii, zaručuje, že každý získaný dar je investován zpět do Wikipedie, projektů….

Wikimedia Foundation kicks off fundraising campaigns in India, Latin America, and South Africa
Puede encontrar la versión de este artículo en español aquí.Você pode ler a versão em português deste artigo aqui. This month, the Wikimedia Foundation — the global nonprofit that makes knowledge free and accessible to everyone around the world — kicks off a series of fundraising campaigns on Wikipedia in India, Latin America, and South….

Five reasons Wikipedia needs your support
In the 20 years since Wikipedia was born, it has grown to become a valued and beloved knowledge destination for millions across the globe. Now with over 55 million articles, its growth has been fueled by a global volunteer force and donors who explore and visit the site regularly. Supported by contributions from readers around….

Why donate to Wikipedia?
Nonprofit organizations across the world are vibrant and diverse with wide ranging missions and objectives. One thing that ties them together is the goal of fundraising and awareness – something each organization approaches differently. At the Wikimedia Foundation, your generous donations help us maintain our independence, serve our diverse and global community, and––unlike many other….

Wikimedia Foundation reaches $100 million Endowment goal as Wikipedia celebrates 20 years of free knowledge
22 September 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA — The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, today announced that the Wikimedia Endowment has reached its initial $100 million fundraising goal ahead of schedule. This early achievement is a testament to the generosity of Endowment donors around the world and provides enduring….