This eight-year-old is inspiring others to edit Wikipedia
Sophia Fairweather is eight years old. She’s an inventor, a startup creator, a mentor, and a proud champion of women in STEM-related fields. She’s also a big advocate of Wikipedia and getting more people to edit the free encyclopedia. Sophia recently asked on LinkedIn and tweeted about an editing initiative she was launching throughout Canada….

How a feminist stood up to trolls and measurably changed Wikipedia’s coverage of women scientists
Did the efforts of Emily Temple-Wood ("Keilana") and other editors really make a difference in Wikipedia's coverage of women scientists—especially given the vast expanse of an encyclopedia that has 5.4 million articles in English alone? The answer, one year after the headlines, is an unequivocal yes.

The new alchemy: turning online harassment into Wikipedia articles on women scientists
By day, Emily Temple-Wood is a biology student. By night, she writes Wikipedia articles on women scientists—one for every harassing email she receives.