Victory in Greece: Legal case ended against Wikipedia editor
A long-running case in Greece has come to a close with all claims dropped.

Mailbag: What is going on with Wikipedia and the monkey selfie? We love monkeys and photographers, let us tell you more…
Answering your questions about Wikipedia, the monkey selfie, and copyright on the Wikimedia sites.

Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA: Why we’re here and where we’re going
The Wikimedia Foundation’s mission is to support the communities of readers and contributors who share and consume information on Wikipedia and the other free-knowledge projects. Privacy and anonymity are crucial to the free sharing of knowledge. Mass surveillance erodes our privacy and individualism, and undermines our expressive and associational freedoms.

Victory at the Fourth Circuit: Court of Appeals allows Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA to proceed
The decision marks an important victory for the privacy and free expression rights of Wikimedia users.

Wikimedia v. NSA: Wikimedia Foundation files suit against NSA to challenge upstream mass surveillance
Today, the Wikimedia Foundation is filing suit against the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) of the United States. The lawsuit challenges the NSA’s mass surveillance program. (..)

Taking a stand for free knowledge in the European Union
When the European Commission held an official hearing on copyright reform, a representative of the European Wikimedia chapters participated (...)