Gracias. Merci. 谢谢你 . شك ًرً ا
In every language, we wish to say “thank you.” This year, we received donations from millions of supporters. Those donations make our work possible. Thank you for sustaining Wikimedia and benefiting readers around the world.
We are proud to list donors who gave $1,000 USD or more between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. Thank you again for supporting free knowledge in the world. We are honored to have you with us. Note that gifts to the Wikimedia Endowment are acknowledged here.
Major Benefactors ($50,000+)
Acton Family Giving
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Apple Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin
Argosy Foundation
Antoine Bello
Charina Endowment Fund
Crankstart Foundation
Foundation for a Better World
Dick and Loretta Heiser
Google Matching Gifts Program
King Baudouin Foundation
Ellen Koshland
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
The Montgomery Family Fund
Reprise Software
Evelyn and Kurt Riedel
Arnout Schuijff
Siegel Family Endowment
Thistledown Foundation
Tony Wheeler
Anonymous Donors (6)
Patrons ($15,000 - $49,999)
Kyle Aster
Bloomberg LP
The Boeing Company Gift Match
James Chambers
The Charlene and David Howe Foundation
Elmira Choopani & Khanh Vu
In Memory of James Connell and Rocco DiPietro
Carl De Marcken
Mr. Peter Ernst Francati
Holly Gray
Mark Heising and Elizabeth Simons Fund
HPE Accelerating Impact Initiative
Intel Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Amy and Josh Jernigan
Scott Eric Jordan
LinkedIn Matching Gifts Program
Chris Lu
Darrin Massena
Al and Margo Merck
Katharine C. Pierce Foundation Matching Gifts
The Scheinberg Family
Peter Wheeler and Elizabeth Munro
Adam and Abigail Winkel
George Zimmerman
Anonymous Donors (27)
Leading Donors ($5,000 - $14,999)
The Aber D. Unger Foundation Inc.
Robert G. Andrews
Edward and Sallie Arens
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Phillip L. Barrett and Noreen E. Reis
The Behemoth
William Benter
Steven and Sandra Berglund
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gift Program
Jennifer and John Bird
Barry and Sharla Boehm
Brady Family
Tor Braham
Kate and Lyons Brewer
In memory of Seth Brown
Annette Campbell-White
A. Chan
Century Arts Foundation
The Charles Spear Charitable Foundation
Jean Circiello
Mayree Clark
Covington Family Fund
Crete Family Foundation
Dauber Foundation
H. Andrew Decker
Disney Employee Matching Gifts
The Donnelley Foundation
The Durst Family
Irene Esteves
The Renée B. Fisher Foundation
Jeff and Namy Folick
William Forrest
Carol Fryer and Bernard Moret
Michael Frohlich
Frumkin Falco Family Foundation
GE Foundation
Elizabeth and Robert Geltz
Geisel Family Foundation
Genentech Employee Giving Program
Rick & Susan Goings Foundation
Goldman, Sachs, and Co. Matching Gifts Program
The Grainger Foundation
Alexander Green
Dr. Marie Griffin and Robert Coffey
Theresa W. Long & Emil L. Hanzevack
Richard and Janet Hart
John and Luanne Hernandez-Storr Fund
Hewlett Packard Company Foundation
Matthew Hinshaw
Nick Hodulik & Jonathan Taylor
Joan & John Horne
Howard Gilman Foundation
Tim Huang
David Humm
William H Hurt
David Ignat
Isambard Kingdom Brunel Society of North America
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program
Jay and Mary Jones
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Keel Foundation
Dr. Susan and Esabeau Kendall
Keough Family Foundation
Janna Smith Lang and Kurt F. Lang
Laxmi Family Charitable Fund
Mary Soon Lee and Andrew Moore
Edward A. Lee and Rhonda Righter
Karen and Victor Linck
Li Lu Humanitarian Foundation
In memory of my father Dr. Bradley W. Maring
Greg and Elizabeth Stanton Marra
The Jeff and Jacqueline Miller Fund
Colin Moore
Sheila Mossman
Morino Institute
Neil Murray
Nike Employee Matching Gift Program
Nvidia Employee Giving Program
Omidyar Network Fund, Inc
Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program
P&C Collins Fund
Drew Perkins
John Peters
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
William & Anne Rasnake
Tim & Mary Riordan
Robert and Nina Rosenthal
Ruth and Peter Metz Family Foundation
Barbara Ryan
S&P Global Community Matching Gifts Program
James Saalfield
Fabian Schlieper
Roy Schneiderman
Dominic Scriven OBE
The Schmale Family
Scooter Software
Mick & Alison Seaman
Selz Foundation
The Shor Family Foundation
The Sigler Family
Russel Simmons
Andrew and Elizabeth Spokes
Sprague Foundation
Timothy Steinert
The Strompolos Family Foundation
Arthur Strout
Philip Sugar
Texas Instruments Foundation
Bonnie J. Tisch and Daniel R. Tisch
T-Mobile USA, Inc
The Turner Family
William Van der Kloot
David Vickrey
Visa Matching Gifts Program
VMWare Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Paul von Kuster
Clare and Richard Weinberg
Bill & Cynthia Wilby
Peter Wright NY, NY
Yen Family
Brian Zingale
Richard and Angela Ziock
David and Monica Zwirner
To my kids, the best thing I can impart: truth & freedom. Hug them close.
Anonymous Donors (120)
Sustaining Donors ($1,000 - $4,999)
John and Monica Adractas
Affinity Answers Corporation
AIG Matching Grants Program
A & J Saks Foundation
Ahmad Tea
Ebrahim Ahmadi, M.D.
In memory of Faisal Abdulaziz Asad Alawadhi
James Ryan Alexander
Nasib Albitar
Dennis Alp
In honor and with love for Esra'a Al Shafei
American Express Company Employee Giving Program
Amgen Foundation
The Anderson Family
Dalibor Antonic
Applied Materials Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
Ashok K. Moza Foundation
Siddharth Asnani
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Jesse Ausubel
Autodesk Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
Sam & Sylvia Autrey
Bae Systems
Ken and Valerie Baker
Ellen Balaguer and Mark Chase
Prabhu & Rina Balasubramanian
Ball Corporation
Ken Baron
The Barnik Tarbut Foundation
BD Group Matching Gift
Beverly Bender
Simrita Banwatt
Cindy Barber
Steven Barnes
Thomas Barta
Alex and Lea Belianinov
Samy Bengio and Elaine McMurray
Andrew Bennett
Tom and Jana Bergdall
Barak Berkowitz
In memory of Peter Bial
Peter Bing
Biogen MA Inc.
Graeme Birchall
Judith and Ashley Bird
BlackRock Matching Gifts Program
Russell Blair
Gordon and Julie Blewis
Will Bloch
Bluestem Asset Management, LLC
Brent Blumenstein & Anne Ryan
Jabe Blumenthal & Julie Edsforth
Alan Blush
BMGI Group
Charu and Jeff Bogdan
Luca Bonissi
Walter and Marguerite Bopp
Jeff and Lauren Bowman
Joseph Brandt
Ian Branum
John Briggs & Hisayo Tago
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Employee Giving Program
Brian and Melissa Brothers
In memory of Roger Edward Broughton
Kathy and Charley Brown
Jeffrey and Marguerite Browne
In loving memory of Mary Von Mohr Brunson
J. M. Bruso, Jr. on behalf of his beloved departed brother Jeffrey
Ellen Bunch
Tom Burch
Clement Burcier
Louis Burgener
Burt and Diana Cutler Family Foundation
In memory of Patrick Butler III
Barry Buzan
Niverplast BV
David Bydeley
Cadence Design Systems, Inc
Christie Cadwell
Lisa and Trey Calfee
In honor of Ammar Campa-Najjar
Erin Mindell Cannon
Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Rebecca and Irad Carmi
Terry Carroll
Charlie & Darian Carson
David Carter
Paul Cartwright
William Cassidy
Caterpillar Foundation
John Caulkins
Tantek Çelik
The Cellini Family
Rohini Sabikhi and Tushar Chandra
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, LLC
Charles Maxfield Parrish and Gloria F. Parrish Foundation
Curtis Chen and Jennifer Lee
Viola Chen
Ken Chen
Veeraswami Chennamsetty
Chevron Matching Employee Funds
Gilbert Chin
Michael Choy & Shannon Moffett
Nicholas Chu & Vivian Fuh
In memory of Ruth Clark
Deborah Clemens
Montgomery Cleworth
The Clorox Company
Cloudera Foundation
Coca-Cola Company
Nancy B. Coleman & Paul M. Resch
Spencer Commons
Peter Compo
Guy and Helen Connolly
Conoco Phillips Gift Matching
Andrew Cook
John D. & Margarete Cooke
Linda D Cooley
John and Lenore Cooney
Jim Cooper
Gillian Coote in memory of her sister, Robyn Coote
Christopher Cowart
Ardelle Cowie
Stone Coxhead
Craigslist Charitable Fund
Samuël Croteau & Miriam Schurman
Daily Fantasy Cafe
Greg Dalton & Lucia Choi-Dalton
Rolf Danner & Jeff Rothenbach
Carole Deitrich
Jacqueline Dejean
Dell Employees Giving Program
Christopher DeMuth
Amy Derosier
Douglas Derrer
Stephen & Elizabeth Detwiler
Joshua Dezube
David Dickey
Lucia Digirolamo
Josh Dillon & Effie Seiberg
A Sibbald Doan
The Ann D Foundation
Dan Dodge
Anne Doerr
Dolby Match Program
S. Kathleen Doster MD PhD & Constance Hiatt JD
Frank H. Douglas
Scott Draves
Dropbox, Inc.
Edgar Durbin
Mark Duttweiler and Christine Pajak
eBay Foundation
Kenneth Eddings
Ralph Edler
Stanley Eisenberg
Larry and Kas Eldridge
Electronic Arts Matching Gifts Program
Emigre Fonts
Ericsson Community
Exelon Employee Giving Campaign
F5 Networks, Inc.
Fia Ewald Consulting AB
Arjona Fabien
Hany Farid
Megan and Matthew Feinberg
Yoseph Feit
Barry and Ali Fell
Roger and Ada Fidler
Michael F. Flanagan
Jody Fleischer
Norman & Jill Fogelsong
Ford Foundation Matching Gift Program
William Ford
Luca Formenton
Nick Fotopoulos and Pepper Huynh
Fournier Family Foundation
James Fox
Bernard Francois
Joel Frantzman
Paul Fremont Smith
Kathy French
Hunter Freyer
Nick Freygang
Larry Friedland
Frank J. Frost
Vanistendael Gaí‚tan
Henrique Gama
Major Garrett
Gartner (The Matching Gift Center)
George & Alice Rich Charitable Foundation
Anton Geraschenko
Betty Harrell Gerlack
Aaron Getz & Sheila Geraghty Getz
Yusuf & Leila Giansiracusa
Patrick and David Wright Gibson
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Tyson & Elizabeth Gill
Donald L. Gilman
Tommaso Giulini
Glenn Brandimarte
Emily and Sam Glick
Kelly & Jeff Glisch
Terence Go
Norman Godinho
Monica and Danny Gold
Jim (James) Good
Rinat Goren and Arnon Rosenthal
J. Alex Graeffe
Steven Grimson
Caroline and Dan Grossman
Jerome Guillen
Egils and Anne Gulbis
Heath and Jordan Gurganus
Joanna Haas
Hacker Noon
Raia Hadsell
Pauliana Hall and Eric Hall, Esq.
The Hallick Family Foundation
Ryan Hamerly
Lang Hames
Hamilton Foundation
In memory of Richard Harding, who instilled in us the curiosity to constantly learn
John Harmon
William Harris
In Memory of Dana Harrison
Jake Hart
Joachim Heck
Vanessa Heckman and Brett Babin
Patricia Henderson
Travis Heppe
In honor of Bela Herlong
Hilary Estes and Peter Hildebrandt
Christopher Hinton
In memory of Robert Holland
Home Depot Foundation
Dermot Horgan
In Memory of Orville E. Howard
Else Hoyrup
Daniel and Celia Huber
Doug Hunt and Carolyn Perry
Jeffrey Hutchins
Roger Ibbotson
Carla and Philippe Ifrah
In honor and support of democracy, which dies absent truth.
Indeed, Inc.
Intetics Inc.
Intuit Foundation
Intuitive Foundation
Roshan Isaac
ITW Matching Gifts Program
Roy Jablonka
Peter Jackson
Douglas Jaffe
Jericho Charitable Trust
Jerry Newman Willowridge Partners, Inc.
John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Lee Johnson
Johnson & Pavuk
Dwight Johnson
Jonah Dubin and the Dubin/Klem Charitable Fund
In memory of Shaynon "Shayne" MaGee Jordan
In loving memory of Kim 'Sissy' Jorgensen
Robert Joss
Jonathan Jove and Moriel Levy
Chris and Steven K
Kalpatharu Foundation
William Kamer
Robert H. Kanner
Steve Kass
Aruna and Sudhakar Kaveeshwar
Kevin Kelly and Germaine Fuh-Kelly
Robert Kennedy and Linda Cicero
Mary Lowe Kennedy
Robert M. Kern
Keysight Technologies
Farida Khelfa
Kheterpal Family
KLA-Tencor Employee Funds
Michael W. Kidd
Frank Kienast
In Memory of Anne Kinnel
Donald King Jr.
King Cheadle Family
Sam King
Nancy Kleinrock
Jeffrey Knauth
Ron and Yael Kohavi
Bryce Kornreich
Jessica R. Kraemer
Chris & Joanne Kudrna Fund on behalf of Laura Kudrna
Peter Kütemann (Monaco)
Bill Kutik
Francois René LACOSTE
Raymon and Phyllis Lafrey
Jeff Laird
Lam Research
Jane Lansing
Etienne Ardant & Laurence Lapeyre
Jay and Sally Lapeyre
LATI High Performance Thermoplastics
Dan Laufer
Launchbury Fund
Lawrence Livermore Labs
Janet Lawson
Skylar Lee
Leo Model Foundation
Leon Levy Foundation
The LevmoreRoin Philanthropy Fund
Nathan Leventhal
David Levy
Liz Liebman
The Lillie Family
Lilly US Matching Gifts Program
Richard Lin
Gregg and Libby Lindahl
Christopher Lingle
John Longres
The Lopker Family Foundation
love of words
Anahita and Jim Lovelace
Marilyn Lucht
The Lucy Fund
Sam & Lillian Anderman
Liz and Greg Lutz
Karen Mackain
Alexander Main
Anup Mantri
Maple Tree Fund
Stuart & Pat Marchand
Gary Marcus
Goran & Kelly Marnfeldt
John Marx AIA
The Mary and Paul Henry Fund
Jack Mason
MasterCard Matching Gift Program
MBI Benefits Inc
Walter and Nancy McClure
Edward McCullough
Bill and Marilyn McCune
Sydney McDole and Naresh Lakhanpal
Kathleen McDonald
Elizabeth McGlynn
Jenna McGugan
Brian Mcinnis
McKinsey & Company Matching Gift Program
John McLaughlin
The McLean Family-Lincoln Nebraska
Medtronic Foundation Volunteer Grant Program
MerchLogix, Inc
Merck Foundation
Kit and Liz Merker
Kathleen Messina
Matthew Midboe
Micron Technology, Inc.
Middle Road Foundation
Frederick A. Miller III
Steven Miller & Patricia Meyer
Ryan Mills
Mingzhe Zhu, Yellow River Foundation
James Alan Minor
Dr. L. David Mirkin
Eben Moglen
Riaz & Lily Moledina
David Moore & Suzanne Pierce Moore
Jennifer Ann Eckstine
Brigitte Morel-Curran
Thomas Morgan
Dr. Amy S. Morris
Jeff Morrow
Carol and Les Moss
The Mary and Paul Henry Fund
Mary Murray
William M. Murray
Ben Murrell
Mutable Instruments
Eric Nath
National Instruments
NetApp, Inc.
Ray Ng
Nord Family Foundation
Nordic Naturals
Novartis Matching Gifts
The O'Brien Family, New Jersey
Norm ONeill
Kevin O'Shea
Og and Ogina
Gerry Ohrstrom
One Point Of Light Foundation
Alex Opal
Emmanuel Osti
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Employee Giving
Manisha Kher and Manoj Padki
Cathy Paessun
Justin Palpant
Artem Hachikyan Paredes
Abhay Parekh
Dylan Parker
James Parks
Philipp Patch
PayPal Gives Employee Engagement Fund
John Peoples
Pepsico Foundation
Daniel Perlman and Jane Katims
William E. Perry
Bjoern Peters
The Petrosky Family
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Wayne Pfeiffer
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Duane and Laurie Phillips
Piper Sandler Companies
PlayStation Cares
Pond Family Foundation
J. David Powell
In honor of James D. Powell
Fred Pratt
William Prescott
Rob and Anna Prestezog
Jim Pretlow
William Prinzmetal
Andy and Dave Pritchard
Nicholas and Susan Pritzker
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Lawrence and Teresa Pulliam
Borden Putnam
In memory of Dr. Agnar Pytte
Roger Que
The Madabhushi Fund
Brent Ramerth and Kalinda Lisy
William Rand
Pratima Rangarajan and Gregory Gillette
Raytheon Technologies
Ian Reasor and Jamie Molaro
Red Hat Matching Gift Program
Sanford Redlich
Chris Redlich Jr
Anne Reece
Huan Ren
Paul & Lori Reszutek
The Rex Flash Ministries
Bryn Rhodes
Bruce Ribner
Reed Riedel
Riot Games, Inc
Robert and Vivian Lamb Fund
Joseph Robillard
Kathleen Rogers & Rick Teller
Susan Rogers
Richard Rooney
Dan Roper
Roger Rosenberger
Jeff & Brooke Runyan
M. Duane Rutledge
Kevin Ryan
Chris and Anna Saccheri
In honor of and love for Richard Carey Salander
Yann Samuelides
Brent & Neri Sandweiss
Thomas Sargent
David Sassen
Jay and Anne Schamberg
Peter Schattner
Karen and Damon Scheppelmann
In honor of T. Frankilin Schneider III
Stefan Schoch
Rob Schreiner
Robert Schroeder
Peter Schwanse
Alex Schwendner
Segmentech Inc
Select Equity Group Foundation
Bertrand Serlet
Henri Seydoux
Lindsay and Anurag Sharma
H Rodney Sharp III
Nate and Julia Sharpe Charitable Gift Fund
Theodore C. Shiveley
Felix Shvaiger
In Memory of Ella Shyu
Simon the Engineer
Hartaj Singh
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Shane Skikne
Jeffrey Snover
Aaron and Jamie Solak
William Spindler
Sports Reference LLC
Standard Insurance
Robert P. Starling
Mozes Staszewski
State Farm Companies Foundation
State Street Matching Gift Program
Albert & Candace Staton
Virginia Steel
David Stern
Benjamin and Caitlin Stewart
Stichting Sunryse
The Stock Family
Robert Stoldal
Nancy Stone
Richard Sutton
Synchrony Financial
Steve Tai & Kin-Ching Wu
Synopsys Employee Engagement Fund
Hiroaki Takamatsu
Vincent Talbot
Steve Tanksley
Dale Taylor
Harrison Taylor
In memory of Sylvia R Telser
Temple Grandin
Thermo Fisher Scientific Employee Engagement Fund
Gwen Ewart and Bob Thomas
Rabbi Rob and Lauren Thomas
Pamela and Leslie Thompson
John and Beth Tidwell
Tikvah Philanthropic Fund
Steven Tjiang
Jonathan Tobert
Tina Tomsen, MD
TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center
In honor of Heribert Tschofen (1934-1987)
Tungare Manohar Family Foundation
Twitter Employee Matching Gift Program
Paul and Donna Ullman
Two Sigma Investments LLC
James Uttley
Erik Vaaler
In loving memory of Dorothy and Detlev Vagts
Yuan Zheng & Jeffrey van Gogh
Betty Vandenbosch
John Vandermeer
Varian Medical Systems
Gonzalo and Nury Verdugo
Verisign Cares Matching Gift Program
Verizon Foundation
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
ViaSat Inc.
Stephen Viel & Bridget Highet
In loving memory of Dolly Thompson
Caitlin, Patrick, and Molly Virtue
Michelangelo Volpi
Jens von der Heide
Cynthia Walk
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Wang Family Fund
Rich Warner
Warren and Andrea Stock Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
Robert Watkins
Joyce Watson
Doug, Rhonda, and Truman Way
Christopher Welty
Jeffrey and Mary Werbalowsky
Janet White and Michael Clark
Geoff and Keridy Williams
Wil Wilstro
Małgorzata and Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk
The Wonderful Company Foundation Inc.
William Wood
Dr Raymond J Wootton
Workday, Inc.
Sing-Yung and Yvonne Wu
Cy Wyss
Lee Xu
Qiaoshi Xue & Howard Taske
In memory of Judith Yafet
Rockie Yang @ Knock Data
Eugene Yarovoi
David Yngve
Richard Yonash
Lily Yonghong Li
Takeshi Yoshino
Jonathan Young
Alice Young
Kevin and Donna Young
Tim and Cc Yu
Tatyana Yurovsky
Will Provost & Stacey Zelbow
Liang Zhang
Lynn Khuu and Khoa Do
Sara Zion
ZX Lidars – courtesy of the ZX Adrian Coffey Project
Anonymous Donors (752)
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