Silhouette of a photographer and tripod standing on top of a hill. It is sunset or sunrise and the sky is clear with a bold colour gradient from blue to violet to yellow.

Under a provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA),websites are required to remove infringing content upon receiving a takedown notice from the copyright owner. When the Wikimedia Foundation receives such a notice, we take quick action to  investigate. If the claim turns out to be valid, we will remove the content. In July 2020, a photographer in the United Kingdom contacted the Foundation with a DMCA takedown request of a photo of a museum. They provided a link to the original image, a link to the allegedly infringing image on Wikimedia Commons, and additional background information. We investigated and found the claim to be accurate, so we removed the image from Commons. 

Photo credits

Silhouette of a photographer and tripod standing on top of a hill. It is sunset or sunrise and the sky is clear with a bold colour gradient from blue to violet to yellow.


Romain Guy